Space in between staffs

• Dec 2, 2019 - 06:02

I would love to make a song easier to read, but there's a massive space between the staff on some measures (not all, just a select few.) Although it wasn't my composition/transcription of the song, I also can't find a way to edit it out. It gets very irritating, for the spaces can sometimes be almost a page long, making me turn another page to get to the next measure(s). Thanks for your time, all, and maybe even your help!
The file I attached shows an example, if I wasn't clear.
Also, please don't tell me to change the Style < Page < Staff Distance or Grand Staff Distance or Music bottom margin or any of those, since I have already tested (and failed) those.
I have also copy-pasted them into another document, and the same problem appears.
Thanks again!

Attachment Size
Musescore help.png 80.83 KB


See if deleting the hairpins (crescendos) help any, and whether all are selectable.
If not, attach the (.mscz) score, or a snippet which exhibits the problem, since a picture (.png) is of little use in this situation.

Indeed, my guess is that those hairpins are attached the staff above then were dragged down. They should be deleted then reattached to the propert staff (and use "X" if necessary to flip then above). If you need further assistance, do attach the actual score rather than just a picture.

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