Problem with a double Segno and Coda
Musescore 3 appears to have problems with double Segno/Coda and it only plays the first Segno/Coda. Is there any way to fix this? Nasty Majesty '97.mscz The file shown is not a song I wish to publish; I just want to make it as a MIDI (but it won't play properly). PS: The score shows up properly with the Press Start 2P font.
The segnos need to have different labels set in Inspector (segno1, segno2 etc.). Both of yours are labelled “segno”.
In reply to The segnos need to have… by underquark
Okay, but that doesn't help me, here is the upd'd version...
Nasty Majesty '97.mscz
In reply to Okay, but that doesn't help… by Kaa-kun
To save (playback) time, I abridged your score. Have a listen:
Nasty Majesty '97_2.mscz
Note: The D.S.S. al Coda II (measure 27) needs to have 'Play repeats' enabled in the Inspector.
In reply to To save (playback) time, I… by Jm6stringer
Wow! It worked perfectly!