Muted brass instruments ignoring 'open' direction.

• Dec 17, 2019 - 13:16

I've muted some cornets in this arrangement I'm working on (bar 42)

When I try to direct them to remove their mutes (using the 'open' direction found in the palette) it has no effect. Even if I remove the original 'mute' text the muted sound remains.

Is this a bug or am I just being stupid?


In reply to by Xenol2

The 'open' text from the palette assums the latest instruments definitions, there those instruments have an "open" and a "mute" channel, prior to that they had "normal" and "mute", 'open' should work regardless, if it doesn't find a corresponding channel it falls back to "normal".
Not sure why it doesn't work though, but that score seems to have quite a history, stems from MuseScore 1.x.

Oh, now I see: you'd need to select the voices you want to switch for those 'open' texts, via right-click > staff text properties

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