Musescore crash when saving

• Dec 21, 2019 - 15:48

Hello Everyone.

I run MS3.3.4 on Windows10 and it crashes almost everytime I try to save my work. (works perfectly fine on a mac...)
Has someone ever encountered this issue? (and, in the best cases, managed to solve it?)



The most likely cause is a score containing parts where one or more of the parts has become corrupt. Easiest solution is to go to File / Parts (from the score) and delete the parts then regenerate them.

If that doesn't fix it, please attach the score with the problem so we can investigate further.

In reply to by Zymoon

Does it happen even with the default empty score? If not, can you please attach one file that does crash? If even the default empty score crashes, does it happen before display the dialog asking for a folder and file name? Also, does Help / Revert to Factory Settings help?

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