D.S. al Fine is ignored without "Play repeats"

• Dec 23, 2019 - 18:11

There's a first time for everything, like porridge posting in here.

I'd rather not bore anyone with the context, but here's a heavily edited example of your average and quite possibly non-standard jumping of the finest Finnish tradition (I've even split one of the measures to accommodate the not-so-textbook use of "Fine" so it's got everything!) where "D.S. II al Fine" at the end works as intended only when "Play repeats" is turned on. When it's turned off, the playback just stops and it'd never jump to the 2nd segno (that I've re-labelled "segno2").

Maybe it's a quirk in Musescore but if it was, it'd been there for a long time because it's the same in v2.3.2, so I'm inclined to think that it's either a user error or that everything is supposed to happen (meaning there is some notation guidelines to back up this behaviour). I have to admit that I'm largely ignorant of music theory so all I know now is that if the two measures with To Coda and Fine were the other way around, the score would playback like expected, so could it be the To Coda marking that is causing this?

(I'm using the latest version 3.3.4 in Windows 7 64-bit, if that makes a difference, but I'm guessing it doesn't.)

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Example_score.png 98.72 KB
Example_score.mscz 8.36 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

Unfortunately it didn't but thanks for trying. I see you changed the segno marker types to "custom", and that's something that never crossed my mind.

Yeah, maybe my explanation was unclear because I tried my hardest to keep it short and not ramble too much. :) But if you now - in your edited version - turned off "play repeats" and started playback from measure 22 or thereabouts, the playback would end right there and then and it wouldn't jump to the "segno2".

So yes, in this particular case, I would be able to just turn on "play repeats" and move on, but I know that it'd be just a lucky workaround. Because what if there actually were some repeats and I would like to specifically use "D.S. II senza Rep. al Fine" (or something like that)? But that obviously wouldn't be possible.

(EDIT - fixed typo)

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