Invisible system(of16ths) affects 4 bars per system look MS3.0

• Dec 30, 2019 - 01:17

Hi all,
I have looked over a number of posts re {} effects on system lengths ie attempting to produce a 4 bars per system look but with no solution apparent.

I am creating exercises for myself for bass guitar sight reading practice. Minimum note length 8ths. Which should and do fit 4 bars per line, helping my ability to sight read at this level. Everything was fine with just the bass score.
But I also like to have a decent drum pattern in the background(rather than just ticks) so I can apply different groove/feel to enhance the practice.

These systems of drums(using 16ths) breaks the 4bar per system look even tho its part is set to invisible.

Current workaround is to have two scores. One file contains the bass n drums playback (ignoring the broken 4 bars per system look) and the other is just the bassline notation which I use for the sight reading.
Problem is tho that to stop me "learning the score" I randomly change notes or lengths once it becomes to "known" and of course I have to change it on both files making sure its the same. Sure its a cut paste job but I keep coming back to the point that if only the visible off box on the instruments(drums) actually had the full effect ie once invisible Ms page view should ignore it.

But, I do understand that if you were working on a real score with lots of parts/instruments you possibly wouldn't want it to change, visible or not. Hence why MS works the way it does?

So I ask those better experienced if there is another way?

Attachment Size
SBL-Sightreading3_Lesson_5-coda-Eg.mscz 19.25 KB


You wrote:
These systems of drums(using 16ths) breaks the 4bar per system look even tho its part is set to invisible.

I opened your attachment and see a 4 bar per system look:


What do you see?

In reply to by vector180

Hi jm6stringer.
Im terribly sorry to have bothered you.. I haven't kept up to date it seems.
On a whim I went to see if a new release was out. I was running 3.0.5 appimage and noticed it was now 3.3.4
soon as I ran that it was as I had expected and like yours, ie 4 bars per system.
I confirmed it by re running the old 3.0.5 and it was back to being incorrect again.
3.05 now deleted from system :)
I must be more vigilant with these apps that don't auto update and ones I don't use every day.

In reply to by vector180

Glad you got it sorted.

One more thought to consider...
You wrote:
Problem is tho that to stop me "learning the score" I randomly change notes or lengths once it becomes too "known"...

For sight reading practice, and especially when randomly changing notes, you likely are not printing every change onto a new paper score, but are rather reading from your screen.
In that case (and even with the older version of MuseScore), you could have made the page size wider (Format -> Page Settings) to accommodate 4 bars per system. (After all, the paper size on the screen does not have to truly exist in the real world.)

The current version of MuseScore does display 4 bars per system with the drumline invisible, as you have discovered.
However, should you wish to view the drumline and keep 4 bars per system while practicing from the screen (i.e., not printing), you can simply make the 'display paper' wider.

In reply to by Jm6stringer

Awesome ill give it a try.. Yes I do simply view the screen but generally try to fit the entire piece Im playing on the screen. What would be really neat would be to make the bouncing ball(the follow/position cursor) invisible in this mode. Im learning to look ahead, so its not paramount ie I semi ignore the cursor but I cant help thinking I sub consciously use it to keep my place :)

In reply to by vector180

What would be really neat would be to make the bouncing ball(the follow/position cursor) invisible in this mode.

For what it's worth:
You can export your score as a pdf or an image file and read from that while playing the score in MuseScore (minimized). No bouncing ball.

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