Clef change only works for first page

• Jan 2, 2020 - 09:57

Happy New Year to all!
I have a piece whith is written for viola (with alto clef) Now I want to change the clef to soprano clef because I want to play the music with violin. My score hase 3 pages. I mark all and change the clef by chosing the clef palette and double click on the soprano clef- it works correctly (clef ok, transposed ok) but only for the first page. When I try to mark the second page again and do the same (I thought, maybe that feature only works pagewise) I get mixed clefs in my piece (soprano, alto). What am I doing wrong? I want the whole piece transposed from alto to soprano instrument.

I am attaching my mscz file!
Thanks in advance for any help!


Attachment Size
Romancce in F_Viola_Geige.mscz 34.88 KB


Select the the alto clef, where it starts (measure 27) and delete it.

Beyond this: you can change the instrument via rightclick->staff properties; maybe you also have to transpose the notes an octave up (ctrl+a, ctrl+arrow up)

In reply to by kuwitt

I see a couple of other problems. You seem to have some odd offsets applied at various points leading to very cramped measures and notes overlapping rests (e.g. measures 33, 34, 36). Use Edit->Select All and then CTRL+R to reset all the offsets. You also have a spurious 1/16 note rest at the end of measure 10 ( the grey + sign above the measure indicates that it has been extended beyond the four 1/4 beats of the time signature). Select the rest and use CTRL+Delete to remove it.

In reply to by SteveBlower

Hi kuwitt, Hi, Steve,
I solved the problem by ploughing the internet and finding exactly what I had meant to do, somebody had already transposed that piece from alto to soprano clef. Today I did a different piece, also two pages, also to transform from alto to soprano clef, and it worked.
I think the problem of the first piece was that I had it imported it into musescore from a pdf file (online, at the musescore internet site).
That gave me all those imprintable and overlapping characters. I hope I remember not to do that again, it cost me altogether a lot more time than if I had typed the music into musescore to begin with.
Thanks to all who helped, and sorry for the time delay of my answer - was doing my second piece!


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