Entering drum notation

• Aug 18, 2014 - 14:55

Why in Gods name, does entering drum notation HAVE to be difficult?? Am I incorrect, or do I need to drag and drop a note from the palette every single time I want a note on a part??? I realize that I can copy/paste, but my drum parts aren't repetitive.



I have RE read the manual.

Ok, here's the deal:

I am adding (attempting to, is more correct) standard brazilian percussion parts to an arrangement.

Specifically I am trying to add a "Surdo" drum part. Musescore has a cuica, but NO other brazilian percussion items.

So, I am having to compromise (we all love to compromise right?) and use a "Low Tom".

Despite reading the manual entry for drum notation with a mouse, I STILL am having to pull up the palette then drag drop the note anytime I want to edit rhythms within any given measure! Ridiculously redundant!!! I hope that I am wrong, but until I am given concrete info otherwise then I remain miffed by the percussion entry process with Musescore.

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Are you sure you read the correct handbook page? Again, it's Drum notation . I just did a search, and the word "drag" does not even appear on the page. It specifically explains the process using simple *clicking*. See the section heading "Mouse" 0- i explains step by step exactly what you do, and there isn't a drag in sight. Select a duration (by clicking toolbar or using the keyboard shortcuts), click on staff, that's it.

It is also possible to customize your "drum set" to allow various notes to be created using the keyboard shortucts - that process is explained in one of the tutorials I metnioned that is listed at the bottom of the page. So if you regularly enter music for the same percussion instruments, you can set that up once and from then on do all your note entry by just typing.

BTW, the reason there is no surdo, is that MuseScore uses Generam MIDI soundfons, and GM does not define that instrument. So unless you download a speciality soundfont, low tom or bass drum will have to do. You can of course then change the name.

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