text overlap in exported parts

• Jan 9, 2020 - 20:06

I am trying to produce readable parts for a large piece. When I let Musescore generate parts, various text elements overlap: section labels, dynamics, pedal markings. This is not readable. It all looks fine in the original Musescore file. Is it possible to make a global change on the placement of these items that will carry over into the parts? This is a huge (over 100 page) score with maybe 25 parts, and moving each item individually will take way too much time.


Are you perhaps using an older (pre-MuseScore 3) version of MuseScore? If so, update and try again. If you are on a recent version (current is 3.3.4), then we'd need you to attach your score in order to understand and assist better. Normally MuseScore 3 should be doing a very good job of avoiding collisions.

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