System breaks not formatting properly?

• Jan 10, 2020 - 17:39

I've been doing some work in Musescore and like it so far. However, one of the charts I've been working on isn't being formatted into 4 bars per system when using system breaks. When I use system breaks, it will split some systems into four bars and some times have a system of three and stretch out one bar to take up length of an entire stave. Anyone know how to fix this?


Most likely there simply isn't room for four bars on that system given your current settings for page size, staff size, note spacing, etc. So you need to change one or more of those. if it's just a couple of places here and there and it's close to fitting already, you should be able to squeeze the measures together by selecting them and pressing "{" (the shortcut for Format / Stretch / Decrease Layout Stretch) one or more times until they fit. If not, then you'll need bigger paper or smaller staves to make it fit. Both settings are in Format / Page Settings.

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