Chord Symbols: Superscript triangle (Maj7) and Non-superscript circle (diminished).

• Feb 5, 2020 - 14:23

Hello all,

What I'm trying to achieve is in the title :

In my chord symbols, I find the triangle (which means Maj7) too big, I would like it to be superscripted, just like chord extensions. I also find the circle (which means diminished) too small, I would like it to appear normally, as maj, min, and other chord qualities.

I have tried to figure this out by reading everything I could find on this before posting, and this is my first post ever. I see there has been a lot of discussion very recently on similar topics.

(So the triangle is considered a quality, therefore it comes before extensions and modifiers. Personally, I consider it as a kind of extension, because most of the time I just write the root, e.g. "G", leaving up to the musician the choice between a 6 or a Maj7, and specify Maj7 only in specific cases. Whereas the " ° " for dim should not be superscripted in my opinion, because it is undeniably a quality and a crucial piece of information. This is too give my opinion on matters very recently discussed here: and here:

I understand that in order to achieve this, one must modify the .xml file. I have tried this but with no success. I can't find any documentation on how to this. People just say "read the .xml and its comments and figure it out". I'm not a coding expert but I like to go to some trouble figuring out stuff, I used to use Lilypond, but I just can't figure this out. Any help would be greatly appreciated as this giant triangle is really not satisfying me and I am writing for an old musician and I want to be sure he sees the circle for diminished.

Thank you


Hello! One possibiltiy is to find a font that already has the symbols sized the way you want. But failing that, then indeed to get particular results like you want, you'd need to edit the XML file. If you continue with your searches, you should see lots of discussion of how to do that, some very specific examples. So I'd encourage you to start by just diving in following those suggestions, and then when you get to more specific questions, it will be easier to help answer them.

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