How do I play my part (urbanPan.sf2) with accompanying parts (MuseScore_General.sf3)

• Feb 12, 2020 - 10:46


In terms of the MU Synthesiser, I have my own soundfont to play my instrument which I have sampled (urbanPan.sf2) which is far more authentic and realistic than the Steel Drums in MuseScore_General.sf3

How do I play my instrument over an accompanying arrangement in MuseScore?

I assume MuseScore cannot play two soundfonts simultaneously. However I could be wrong. Therefore, if necessary, would I need to incorporate urbanPan.sf2 into MuseScore_General.sf3 …creating a combined soundfont that can play my instrument with an accompanying band/orchestra?

Thanks for your support 🙏🏾

Tony UrbanSmash


In reply to by jeetee

Fantastic. I have both soundfonts loaded in the synthesiser.

However I can only get the MU soundfont to play.

How do I also get my own soundfont assigned to my instrument?

Is it through the mixer, rather the synthesiser?

[UPDATE: I think I’ve solved it now, via the mixer]

Thanks 😊

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