Stress of the first beat in a measure

• Feb 12, 2020 - 23:52

In playback, please tell me whether MuseScore stresses the first beat of a measure? (I cannot detect whether it does, though it seems louder.)

Can MuseScore boost the volume of a beat, and if so please tell me how? My adjustment of VELOCITY in INSPECTOR for the leading tone does not seem to make it louder. I have tried both VELOCITY TYPES as well. MIDI inputs, right?

Please tell me whether it is the case that the first beat stress and my boost of it in INSPECTOR will only be heard in an EXPORT file, such as .mp3.

Can an ACCENT or a HAIRPIN mark add sound loudness to the first beat?

Thank you MuseScore


An accent from the Articulations palette will affect the note upon which it is placed.
If attached to a note that occupies the first beat, it will accent (make louder) the note.

(Of course, if the note is marked 'silent' in the Inspector, it will not play at all - accent or no accent.)

Dynamics, accents, and hairpins all affect playback, yes.

Currently, it seems velocity changes only do if the staff has single note dynamics disabled in staff properties.

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