Move Anything Around

• Feb 17, 2020 - 19:49

It would be great if you could move every single thing on the paper around. Eg. The clef, the bar lines etc. Much more freedom would be really good! I don't know how hard it would be to make it happen though. Maybe a setting to lock it on or off maybe!?


Be more specific in what you want to achieve, but you can move pretty much everything to everywhere. And if it doesn't have to make sense, you can turn of automatic placement for the item in question.

In reply to by NucleorOCD

Depends on why you want to move it. In some cases it might make sense to use a regular treble clef and alter its position - if you are creating your own experimentation style of notation, for example. In other cases, it might make sense to simply add a treble clef from the Symbols palette, which has no musical meaning and can be positioned completely freely, That would make more sense if you are just, say, designing a poster and you want to throw some musical symbols in there for effect but don't actually intend it to function as music. If you explain your actual goal in more detail, and attach your score as it currently stands, we can understand and assist better.

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