Grace notes, dynamics and articulations
Hello friends of musescore.
I found some important bugs when i was working on some scores, some of them were not before.
When I press the "start" button to listen to the music, the program doesn't respect the fermatas. Also the program doesn't execute correctly the crescendos and decrescendos, because the crescendos always grows to the subsequent dynamics and the diminuendos always goes down to the subsequent dynamics, so that means that if I don't put any dynamic indication they just don't work, or in other case, if I put a dynamic 50 compasses (for example) after of a cresc. or a dim. they increses or reduce his volume according to that!, so if I put a "mp" with a cresc. in three notes and after 30 compasses I put a "fff" the crescendo grows till a "fff" in that three notes!.
And finally, the musescore software don't let me place two or more grace notes of any kind simultaneously, only one after the other.
Thanks foy your attention!
See you later, I will start uploading many scores soon.
Sample score needed, but
per la dinamica è sufficiente inserire i segni dinamici (p, mp, f, ecc.) e poi renderli invisibili tramite "Ispettore".
Vedi allegato.
Buona musica.