
• Mar 14, 2020 - 04:29

Hi my names elizabeth i was wondering if there was a way to create sheets of music on my iPad I have a Bluetooth keyboard I can type with and my school is asking us to use it on our iPads is there a way I can make sheets of. Music


No, it is not. The MuseScore program works only on macOS, Windows and Linux, not on iOS or Android.
There are apps for those, but these don't allow editing.

You're not alone though, Elizabeth. Musescore, Audacity and Polyphone are about the only things I actually still need a full Mac for besides stuff at work. I find iPhones and iPads way more convenient and intuitive (e.g. portability, touchscreen, less cluttered UI, Apple Pencil) and it would be fantastic not to need a desktop.

Wouldn't necessarily have to come from Musescore developers. If Apple could converge iOS and macOS apps or some kind of x86 emulator, even a bit of a laggy one, became available in the App Store or in web browsers someday that would be awesome! I used to use userland.tech in my Android days but it hasn't hit the App Store yet.

Meanwhile, just one more time, Musescore meets my needs in a way I can't find any other app for, even proprietary apps, so I'm grateful it's available at all.

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