Repeat bars not working in Musixml files
Trying to export a .xml version of a score created in MuseScore Version OS: macOS 10.15, Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit):, revision: 148e43f
Repeat measures - using the ./. function do not work when exported as Musicxml files and reopened in either MuseScore 2 or 3. I want to share this score with other members of our Guitar Society who might use different Musescore versions and operating systems. Is there a way of correcting this without copying out the measures in full?
See #21649: [MusicXML] Repeat measure sign not exported or imported
In reply to See #21649: [MusicXML]… by Jojo-Schmitz
Thanks very much, that makes it clear that using repeat measures will not work if I wish to export a file like this.
I'll find an alternative.