Selecting an element where is the stacking order beneath another

• Mar 14, 2020 - 15:40

In the attached score I want to select at the top of page two the vertical frame to change the heigth instead selecting of the text field (I want to select the vertical frame, but not the text "Viele Lieder..."). Okay, I can change the stacking order of the text (and visa verse if I want later again edit the text again). Wouldn't it be useful to have a button inside the inspector easily to switch between the different "Layers" in the same place? Or do I miss something?

Attachment Size
D-Dur.mscz 24.41 KB


A list of the elements in the selected area, something similar to Notes/Grace Notes/Rests in Inspector?


(meanwhile I move the text to adjust the frame, then Ctrl+R)

Attachment Size
D-DurBis.mscz 20.92 KB

In reply to by Shoichi

Yes, something like this, thank you very much for your inspiration :-). But not sure, what would be a good solution. Meanwhile I did take a look to other applications.It doesn't realley match to this request, but with the DTP application Scribus you can adjust for a Level/stacking order "move one level up/down" and "move to front/move to back".
My request is in sense of: similar I can switch between notes of the same pitch in different voices on the beat via "Alt+arrow up/down" to have a similar option for frames via shortcut or inside the inspector.

The simple way to select something that is underneath another element is to Ctrl+click. This normally toggles an element in or out of the selection, but in the case of overlapping elements, when deselecting one element, it has the additional feature of selecting what is underneath. Realistically, this doesn't work quite as smoothly as well for text & frames as for ordinary elements, but it does work.

Before that was implemented (for 3.1, maybe?), I would normally recommend simply moving the top element out of the way, then doing what you need with the bottom, then resetting the top. Changing stacking order works too though.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks Marc, ctrl+click works for my needs and I can change the height inside the inspector (but not by dragging the handle of the frame?).
For me it's fine, but maybe for a better workflow for users, they are not so familiar with shortcuts and for UX (not sure, if there's a way to implement it easily), maybe it would be useful to have an equivalent for this shortcut inside the inspector to reach the desired element without needs to move another before or looking for the right stacking order.

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