Rhythm in 6/8

• Mar 15, 2020 - 00:41

Hi, I'm writing a piece with a rhythm in 6/8 that I don't know how to do.
I tried to do it but the closest I got is the second photo.
Is there anyone who could know the solution?
Thank you !

Attachment Size
Rhythm.png 20.46 KB
Try rhythm.png 5.64 KB


it's easier to help if you attach an actual score rather than a picture. But in this case I think I can guess - you probably selected only the quarter note duration before creating the quadruplet, rather than selecting dotted quarter. So, select dotted quarter, then Add / Tuplets / Other, select a ratio of 4:6

In reply to by Calimérose

The first number is the amount of notes you wish the tuplet to contain of a given type.
The second number is the amount of notes of that type the total length of the tuplet takes up.

So when starting from a 1/4th note, we can do for example the following:

ratio 3:2
You'll end up with three 1/8th rests. Normally 2 1/8ths fit into a single 1/4th note, this is the last number of the ratio. Now instead you wish to show 3 of those (the first number of the ratio).

ratio 3:4
Starting from the last number of the ratio: a 1/4th divided normally by 4 results in 1/16th notes. The first number indicates you wish to see three of those instead.
You'll end up with 3 1/16th rests

ratio 11:8
Again, start with the last number: divide the 1/4th total duration normally in 8: our new base duration is thus a 1/32th note. And given our first number, we'll end up with 11 of those.
You'll end up with 11 1/32th rests

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