Editing SoundFont parameters

• Mar 17, 2020 - 18:33

I just installed Timbres of Heaven sound font. it is working, but the sound is loud and distorted, like it is being clipped or overdriven. Are there any parameter settings to "tone down" these issues? If so, how do I get to that settings window? Or, is there any other advice to fix this issue?

And, I see that TOH has several banks of sounds. How do I assign a specific bank and sound to my score's instruments? When I bring up the Staff/Part properties window, I can change instruments, but only the general instrument definitions limited by MuseScore -- it doesn't access the TOH banks of sounds. This is easily accomplished with sequencer software. Does MuseScore limit a single bank to the entire score of instruments?

Thank you for your help.


Firs,t the clipping - yes, ToH is loud. Turning down the main synthesizer volume is the best way I know to prevent clipping.

As for selecting sounds, instruments are not sounds. Instruments can be selected in Staff/Part Properties, but you don't want different instruments (well, maybe you might happen to want to as a separate matter), really you want different sounds for the instruments you have. That is done in View / Mixer.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you, that helped. One more question if I may. Can more than one sound font be used simultaneously? I see where there are sound fonts that specialize, for example, in orchestral instruments, and perhaps some that specialize in Percussion, keyboards or guitars. Can they be used in combination?

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