How to adjust bars (Taktstriche) in serveral staffs (Notenzeilen) in the same place

• Mar 23, 2020 - 21:42

In a Score (Partitur) there are the bars in each staff in one line underneath. Now, I want to write a Canon with musescore, where all the bars in several staffs are on top of each other. This would be handy, because so everybody can see which notes have to be sung at the same time - just be scanning all staffs vertically.
Using the score (Partitur)-mode gives me the trouble with the very first bar (which goes over all systems) and the ending bar. Plus difficulties with the four-four-times- sign. (look at the example-file)

So, how can I create a score for a canon, where the bars in all lines are on top of each other ?

Thanks for help
Christoph Röber

Attachment Size
Tumba_Tumba.mscz 11.31 KB


In reply to by Jm6stringer

Thanks for the answer. I guess my problem is, that I'm using Musescore 2.1 (this is the version which runs under KUBUNTU. I just tried to install under KUBUNTU a more recent version, but apparantly it doesn't work. Any idea on this issue???)

Therefore, I couldn't open your files to see, whether you managed my problem.

I would be happy for further ideas.


First: you're apparently using a very old version. MuseScore 2.0.2. Update that to at least 2.3.2, the last of the 2.x series and also consider going to MuseScore 3, currently at 3.4.2, which you can install and use in parallel to MuseScore 2.
Second: the way you notated the canon is one way to do it. I don't quite understand where you are having difficulties with it?
Third: Jm6stringer gave you 2 further methods, but as MuseScore 3 scores which your MuseScore 2 won't open.
Here for MuseScore 2: Tumba_Tumba-2-beats.mscz and Tumba_Tumba-4-beats.mscz
Fourth: here another method: Tumba_Tumba-1-part.mscz. Downside: the barlines don't align as perfect as with the others and it needs a director to tell the various voices when to start.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Obviously my reply wasn't send for any reason.

Here again. Thanks Jojo-Schmitz for the helpful answers. I'll find out whether there are any version for Musescore under Linux-Kubuntu, which are more up to date.

Second: Thanks for the files you have downgraded.

Third: The problems with the partitur-mode to note canons are shown in the PDF file.

Fourth: I managed to design a Canon in your way. but here it is confusing to find out which notes are sung by the different voices at the same time.

The advantage of the suggested notation would be, that you can say: Hey guys, look at this canon. We are singing now the third beat (Schlag) in the second clock (Takt) (group one sings line one, group two line two and so on) an listen to that interesting harmony.
And also you can orientate, what the others are singing while you are singing your line

Attachment Size
Tumba_Tumba.pdf 29.06 KB

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