I want to be able to save a modified chord diagram to my pallet, so I can use it more than once.

• Mar 24, 2020 - 18:27

I understand how to add and edit a chord diagram to my score. My problem is that I cannot find a way to "save" the edit. I'm stuck re-editing the chord every time I want to place it in the score. I think there is a way to "drop and drag" chords onto the pallet - but I can't make it work. I'm working in Microsoft Edge browser.


I have this problem as well. On some scores, I can save back to the palette no problem. On others, it simply will not let me. I created a new custom palette for Mandolin chords, couldnt copy a thing into it. found on online someone else had created, and was able to add to it no problem. Just started a new score, loaded that palette, and now I cant add to it again. I have the edit enabled, got to be a setting somewhere else.

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