Pressing undo only deletes one note of chord entered via MIDI

• Apr 9, 2020 - 21:38

A chord I entered with my MIDI keyboard was not right so I wanted to delete it, so I pressed Undo.

Only one note of the chord was removed, so I had to keep pressing undo until all the notes were gone.

Is there a way to have it delete the entire chord?



MIDI is inherently sequential, even though you might think of the notes as being played all at once, they are actually sent one at a time in quick succession. So it's normal that undo would undo them one at a time. You can delete a whole chord at once, by leaving note input mode, selecting it, and pressing Delete, but that's not simpler than just tapping undo three times or whatever. Note, though, you shouldn't really need to delete it at all - just move the cursor back (right arrow) and enter a new one right on top.

You have to select the whole chord. MS defaults to a single note.

Check out the handbook under "support" at the top of the page. :)

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