Problem Editing MIDI Exported Out Of MuseScore

• Apr 10, 2020 - 13:58

I edit MIDI files with SynthFont. The way MuseScore exports MIDI is by splitting the whole music to several tracks (apparently by range), and the different instruments may be accessed by the control of the MIDI program. i.e., instead of one track for each instrument, each instrument is inaccessibly merged with others, while it's MIDI info is shown as an instrument change of that track (from 00:00' until the end).
Therefore, I can't control the most of the instruments...
MuseScore Tracks.png
Has anyone already encountered this problem? Does anybody know if there is any way to export MIDI out of MuseScore which has track for each instrument?
Thank you very much!


I use synthfont too. It is hard to tell what the problem is. Ms sf3 024 splits into normal and muted. Under "name" column, the track split is listed. Usually every articulation channel gets a track. Don't know how "sambafont" works. To add confusion, 028 electric muted sometimes shows up as a split with 024 anyway. But i don't know why the 000 piano shows up in a dropdown at time 0. i would like to see the Msc instruments, score and mixer.

This doesn't sound right. Are you saying even multiple instruments that were added with their own staves get merged into one track? That's not my understanding at all. Now, if you use a mid-score instrument change to change the sound of a particular instrument part way through, that much I can believe gets placed all on one track.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I wrote no instrument change. But the tracks doesn't match the instruments: there are 5 tracks. 3 of them contain 2 instruments, and 2 of them doesn't contain anything; or maybe I don't understand it write (I can't hear all the instrument and I find it difficult to understand why... I quite sure that something with the exporting isn't right).

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

When I open a new MIDI file with SynthFont it shows the following dialog:
Split Tracks.png
The situation which I talked about was without splitting, but when I tried to split it just made a new blank track.
This is a score for example: Example Score.mscz
And this is the MIDI I've exported out of it: Example Score.mid
This MIDI has 1 available split, instead of the previous score which had 3 splits. Thus I guess the tracks has to do something with range (pitch).
I am interested to know if when you export this score to MIDI and then open it with SynthFont - if it behaves differently.

In reply to by etai_w_

Well, it's true that there can be tracks with more than one channel. For example, a violin track will use different channels for arco, pizza, and tremolo; a guitar track will use different channels for normal, palm mute, etc. Also, piano is normally exported as two separate tracks (one for each staff), and of course drums are special since they need to be on channel 10.

That much is to be expected, but different instruments should still be different tracks. I don't know what "available split" means, but f you import the MIDI file you attached into MuseScore, you'll see the tracks listed individually along with their primary channel assignments, and you'll see two tracks for piano, one for guitar, two the drums (one for each of the two drum instruments you added), and one for the bass. As far as I can tell all of this is exactly as it should be.

In reply to by etai_w_

Here is the synthfont split of the score. You have 9 tracks with a couple of "slap basses" and the electric muted guitar likely empty. Track 1 channel 0 carries most midi info. Delete 3,7, and 9 and you have six tracks with music matching the score. The midi editor confirms that they are empty. it doesn't have anything to do with range. It has to do with quantity of channels in the mixer.

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