Text Style - User-2

• Apr 13, 2020 - 17:52

I have just created a new text style using Format -Style- Text Style - User 2 . The problem is how to you get it into your Text Pallette or to Add- Text ?


Customized style settings don't go into the palette, by design. That's because style is per score, and the whole idea of the way text is processed is that it should normally inherit the style of your score. So for instance, the same Staff Text element displays different in different scores depending on the style for that score.

So instead of - or better yet, in addition to - changing the style setting, be sure to "bake in" the properties you want. Make the property changes directly to the element before hitting the Set as Style button, then you can add the element to your palette with Ctrl+Shift+drag, then set as style if desired.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I wanted to create a "music style" text indicating that the piece is a reel or a jig etc.
At present because I do not use "Composer" or "Lyricist" in the header, I tend to use the "Composer" for this purpose. When I seen a list of users text styles I has assumed that you could create your own test style using these "User"s in the "Styles"- "Text Style" if we cannot use them why then have them at all?

In reply to by mradson68@gmail.com

You can use them, they are just, as I said, specific to the score, just like all the other text styles. If you change the lyrics style, for example, to be bigger, it affects all lyrics in that score, but not other scores. Similarly, if you change the user-2 style, it affects all user-2 texts in that score, but not other scores. if you want the same style settings to apply to new scores you create, simply save your score to your Templates folder, and select it from the resulting list next time you create a new score. To apply that style to existing scores, use Format / Save Style from the current score, save to an MSS file, then from an existing score use Format / Load Style to load that style file.

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