How do I delete the auto-generated rests?

• Apr 25, 2020 - 21:36

I started using this program recently, and I haven't been able to get rid of the auto-generated whole rests that exist when you create a new piece. they are rather annoying and I would like to be able to get rid of them. I've tried cutting them out every way I know how and they still exist.

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untitled #1.mscz 27.5 KB


Musescore is for writting music, if the measures are empty, it is only a paper for writting music.A measure can't be empty, it must be fulled by rests or by notes. If you are in 4 times piece, every measure is fulled by a rest of 4 times. If you enter a note of 1 time on the first time of a measure, your measure is again of 4 times : 1 time for your note and , now , 3 times for the "new" rests. But always 4 times for the whole measure.Have a look to the handbook

Ah yes, for removing them: either fix the actual measure duration in the measure properties.
Or Select the excess beats and Remove Selected Range (Ctrl/Cmd-Del)

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