Change note value shortcuts (Feature Request)

• Apr 28, 2020 - 01:59

So I just started using musescore, and I have to say it is a lot easier than the other notation programs I have tried. It would be nice if I could drag the note values around so that when I press "1", instead of selecting 32nd notes, it would select something that I specify, say, a quarter note. This would be useful to many users I believe because naturally, the left hand is on the left side of the keyboard and it is easier to click some keys than others. I often find myself clicking the wrong number and accidentally placing the wrong note type, which I then am forced to undo, then look at the keyboard for the correct number key, and try again. It would look something like the image attached: asdddd.png

I think it would be useful also because I would imagine that fewer users need to use 32nd notes more frequently than quarter and 8th notes.


I'm not quite sure I understand the specific customization you are wanting, but you can already customize the keybaord shortcuts using Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts, and the toolbars using View / Toolbars / Customize Toolbars. The default shortcuts make a ton of sense on a numeric keypad, FWIW, and they are also quite logical - bigger numbers are longer durations. But if you prefer something else, you should be able to do that.

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