How to add a Tremolo to a whole note?

• May 1, 2020 - 02:02

Hi! How can I add a tremolo to a whole note measure?
I tried this ( but it just won't do the trick.
Can somebody tell me a step-by-step process?

I hope you guys can help me out with it.
Anyway, Thanks for Reading! (:


Version 1 handbook?
Why not the one for version 3?
What version of MuseScore are you using?
Can you attach here the score you are having problems with or an example?

Whole notes are no different from other notes here - click the note, click the desired symbol in the palette (presumably one of the "single note" tremolos - the ones that happen to display a stem in their icon, maybe that is what tricked you into thinking it wouldn't work on whole notes? the stem is just to clarify it applies to a single note rather than sitting between two notes)

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