inserting multiple measures

• May 2, 2020 - 20:34

I have used Musescore 3 for a few months now, and I love it.
Up until about two weeks ago, if I wanted to add multiple measures at a certain point, I would press the "insert" key a few times and the empty measures would appear. I know there are at least two other ways to get them.
Lately, however, I was getting one visible measure with a number on it (2, 4, etc.) and a thick horizontal line.
Somehow, I learned that if I typed "M", things would go back to the way I was used to.
Then I learned that if I clicked on "Format -- Style -- Score" and then checked and unchecked "Create multi-measure rests"-- the numbers and thick lines would not show up in the first place.
I never knowingly asked for multi-measure rests -- maybe I pressed a wrong button while dozing.
Is it possible to re-arrange things so that if a person just wants multiple measures, and doesn't want multi-measure rests, they won't pop up and frighten him.
Steve Maricic

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In a score, they are turned off by default; so yes, you must've accidentally pressed the 'M' shortcut without meaning too.

Is it possible to re-arrange things so that if a person just wants multiple measures, and doesn't want multi-measure rests, they won't pop up and frighten him.
But now do tell me: How is MuseScore to know you pressed the shortcut willingly?

FWIW, though, if you find yourself accidentally pressing "M" more often than you'd like even after learning what it does, you can disable this, or change it, in Edit / Preferences / Shortcuts. Just find the command for toggling multimeasure rests (type "multi" into the search box) and either clear the shortcut or replace it with something you are less likely to do accidentally.

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