How to change the distance between chord symbols and the staff.

• May 3, 2020 - 17:50

I'm sure there is a simple way to do this, but I can't figure it out. In one of the tutorials for Muse 2.0, there was a simple variable under Style > Chords. However, in Muse 3, I can't find the corresponding control.


MuseScore 2 actually had three different settings that controlled this that combined in awkward and surprising ways. MuseScore 3 fixes this, the distance is set the same way as for all other text: as part of the text style. That means you can either set it in Format / Style / Text Styles, or, easier, just set one the way you like then hit the "Set as style" button next to the offset in the Inspector. This is also the simple way to set the default for virtually any other setting for virtually any other element (eg, default font for lyrics, default thickness for stems, and so on).

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