Converting PDF to MSCZ not working for some pages

• May 3, 2020 - 21:14

So I've tried testing Musescore's pdf import feature, and one particular pdf didn't get converted the way as I expected.

The first page was converted almost perfectly (you guys did a wonderful job). However, on the second page onwards a blank sheet was returned. After awhile from page 4 onwards it starts working normally again.

I've tried editing the pdf slightly and still got similar results. May I understand more about what's going on?

Attachment Size
不可逆リプレイス.pdf 122.6 KB


PDF import is offered as an experimental service. It runs a fixed-configured version of the Audiveris project. You might get some better results if you install/run your own copy of Audiveris and play with the parameters.

"What is going on" is that free OMR is still in its infancy.

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