Settings and custom palettes not loading

• May 6, 2020 - 16:37

Over the past few days, every time I open Musescore, I am asked to give information about my preferences (ie. Language) and asked whether I'd like to have "tours" of Musescore. I 1) don't understand why I am being asked this every time I open the program and 2) more importantly, do not understand why my settings (ie. Things like dark mode) revert to the factory default and why my custom palette (the only one I use) is gone. Even if I take the time to recreate my palette and fix all of my settings, they disappear when I reopen Musescore.


Any chance you're running MuseScore (be it via a shortcut) with the "-F" command line argument?
Otherwise it seems that for some reason MuseScore might not have the permission to write its preferences upon closing normally.

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