Acciacatura: Two Playback Options

• May 16, 2020 - 08:14

This might be considered of minor importance, and might have already been suggested... But some people believe acciacaturas be played on the beat and others before it... To be honest I think appogiaturas are for on the beat while acciacaturas are for playing before it. I never played acciacaturas on beat, perhaps in baroque or classical pieces, and I was never taught to play them like appogiaturas. And think about it, why have both if both have the same purpose? So for a middle solution perhaps we could choose how acciacaturas should be heard in playback. (Also I want to suggest portamentos for instruments that can do it like voice or violins )


Just because you never played acciaccaturas on the beat doesn't mean it isn't a correct way - originally the only correct way :-). But anyhow, providing additional support for different grace playback styles is a common request,t no doubt it will happen someday. Meanwhile do check out the plugin that is available to customize ornament and articulation playback.

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