Centered-text line

• May 18, 2020 - 10:18

I don't recall past requests for having a centered-text line, but it seems to me that this would not be too complicated to implement and have very useful consequences. Specifically involved would be the "cut-away" option so that creating something like the following image would be easy and simple without needing workarounds:

...something like how tuple-text works but for line-texts.
Have there been any plans for implementation of such a thing?
Again, it seems like MuseScore would benefit much in having an easily performed action to achieve such a centered-text line. The user would also be able to set invisible the line portion so that centered-text could be upon a measure or however long they'd like based on the line-length rather than being dependent upon only one Chord/Rest.


Seems like this good indeed be a good addition.

So far I can only come up with annotations as a purpose; question one is thus if there are other use cases we should cover with such line?

The 2nd question is as to how it should behave when it spans multiple systems.

In reply to by jeetee

Yeah, annotations mainly, or custom instructions that are specific in time-span. That, and again, it would double as a means to center text upon a "horizontal domain" rather than only on one note to enable for example centered text of a measure when "line visible" is disabled.

Seems it should only apply to the first system imo, as with how end-text only shows on the final system of the line no matter how many systems.

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