Adding barlines to music that has none

• May 22, 2020 - 15:11

See attached the first example (random notes). I'm trying to import an EasyABC file which contains no barlines into MuseScore, and insert them in.

I've tried creating a new score with barlines in already, and copy pasting the notes in, but possibly due to how long the ties are (which could also do with resetting), the whole score becomes disjointed (see second example). Any help would be appreciated

Attachment Size
easyabc to musescore.png 29.38 KB
easyabc to musescore2.png 32.75 KB


That 2nd screenshot usually indicated something has been dragged way off its place and automatic placement is trying to foresee space for it.

Please share the score file as it is impossible to look at position info and staff/measure properties on a picture of it.

What @jeetee writes is almost certainly the case - something was inadvertently dragged. Usually an easy fix is Ctrl+A to select all then Ctrl+R to reset positions.

I found the answer shortly after posting this topic, someone had already asked here. Yes, resetting the beam properties and then pasting the voices into a new score fixed it.

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