Repeat ignored in playback

• Jun 27, 2020 - 08:53

I have the following sequence:
Measures 1-4 play. Measures 3 and 4 are a two measure volta. Playback correctly repeats measures 1-2 and skips to measure 5.

Measure 5 has a beginning repeat symbol and plays to measure 9 which has the ending repeat symbol. At measure 9 the playback should go back to measure 5 but does not.

It will work with a DS (at 9) and segno symbol (at 5), but I should not have to use this. Any ideas what I am doing wrong?

I have version on Windows 7.

Thanks for your help.

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Either loose the 2nd volta (or place a non-functional text line in its place if you want the visual effect) or change the repeatlist value for it to "1,2" using the inspector.

The problem is the combination of the volta and the start repeat, which is hard to interpret correctly for MuseScore.

In reply to by mseifert9

The "logic" is tricking the current interpretation code that simply can't handle a volta and a start repeat sign co-existing on the same measure by default (I know, I wrote that part :-p )

The happy news is that this notation will be understood starting in MuseScore 3.5.1 which will have this fixed along with some other repeat-related bugs (once is merged in)

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