modulating to minor

• Jun 30, 2020 - 19:35

Thanks Musescore for this amazing programme which I am learning continually!

Just a question - say you've written a 16 bars in C major and you now want the same theme to repeat (with all the other voices) but in the relative minor ( of a minor), can Musescore do that for you? I've tried transposing but that just moves the notes down or up, it doesn't seem to change all the necessary sharps or flats to go from major to minor... It's probably too much to expect of this amazing programme, but as rewriting in minor key is time consuming, I thought I'd better ask in case there's some quicker way.

Thanks, Simon


You sure can transpose to a different key signature. But not from, say, C Major to a minor. But maybe "Tools > Respell pitches" helps there?

Minor keys are more complicated than major keys. The sixth and seventh scale degrees, A and B in C major, in A minor might be F natural or F sharp, G natural or G sharp, depending upon the contour and internal targets of the melody. There is not a one-to-one correspondence of notes; you cannot "translate" pitches mechanically.

In reply to by [DELETED] 1831606

Thanks so much... That was what I thought. I found a solution, in simply moving everything down a third and then manually adjusting the sharps/flats. I do understand what you mean. I am not a music scholar but I realise that for transposing into minor, there are choices (melodic, harmonic) etc. Thanks again!

In reply to by Simon Daisy

Welcome. Personally, I find MuseScore "diatonic transpose" ("just keep scale degrees") very, very handy often. In advanced counterpoint, moving melodies to other scale degrees than the sixth (where the relative minor sits) is extremely common (e.g., imitation at the, say, second), and produces wonderful tonal effects.

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