line breack not linked score and parts

• Aug 26, 2014 - 09:55


I would like to know if one time (in the futur, not already for 2.0 as you may prefer to correct bugs first) we could set line breack to a score , and that will not show in the part when extracted as the layout may be different ...? (also I think sometimes pages breack -mouvements changing for example- could be a good thing to be in parts too)

Maybe it could already be possible but I didn't find it ...?

thank you


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Maybe, but I didn't tried it .... I was wondering what could be served by this... now I have my answer thank you ;)

and testing line breack that works .... you made one into a score and not exported by parts....
Maybe because I first looked with a score made with 1.3 ?

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