Vertically centered text between grand staves

• Jul 29, 2020 - 22:23

Is there an 'automatic' way to get a text element (staff text especially) to be perfectly centered vertically within a grand-staff? Something that would have it reposition accordingly if grand-staff spacing changes? All this time I don't seem to remember figuring out how to do that and figured it might be high time to ask here.


Not quite. I believe the only text that currently does this is the instrument text from the system header.

There is a sneaky workaround available though if you only have a grand staff. Because you can get vertically centered text within a system by using a 0-width horizontal frame and add your text there.

See attached example in which I've also updated the frame setting of the text and its stacking order to make it overlay the barline. Drag the staff spacer around to see the text follow along.

Attachment Size
308422-vertically-centered-text.mscz 4.43 KB

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