IGNORE | Chord Identifier Pluging - "pedalPositions is not defined"

• Aug 11, 2020 - 17:13

Whoops! NEVER MIND - I just discovered that I was using an older version of the plugin. "chordIdentifierSp3_2.qml" is working just fine.

If anyone can help : When I try to run the Chord Identifier plugin I get an error, it does not run. Also, the user interface does not appear unless I try to run it in the Plugin Creator; and even then it does not offer the "OK" or "Cancel" buttons, tho that might, of course, be due to the code error? Here is what shows in the Plugin Creator console window:
732:-1: ReferenceError: pedalPositions is not defined
732:-1: ReferenceError: pedalPositions is not defined
732:-1: ReferenceError: pedalPositions is not defined
732:-1: ReferenceError: pedalPositions is not defined
Plugin Details:
Menu Path: Plugins.Chords.Chord Identifier
Version: 2.3.0
Description: Identify chords and put chord symbol on top.
Requires Score

Screenshot of the Plugin Creator attached.

I am on fedora-32 Linux, Musescore 3.4.2.

Any help appreciated!

Attachment Size
ChordIdentifierIssue_Screenshot.png 304.82 KB


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