Volta's automatically apply to the top part

• Aug 23, 2020 - 01:02

I've recently updated Musescore, and I've just now encountered a problem with the Volta's. I'm writting a piece with multiple parts that requires a first and second repeat. But every time I try to select all measures and add a volta, only the instrument at the top gets one. I've tried selecting individual measures from other parts and then placing them, dragging the volta to another measure, but to no avail. I should probably also mention that repeats for the barlines don't work (and yes, I do have repeats turned on). Help!


In conductors' scores it is common to have a volta only on the top staff. What you have discovered is the method to accommodate this. To apply a volta to a lower staff, press ctrl while applying it. Pressing ctrl is how many universal items are applied to individual staves in MuseScore.

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