Hearing 4 lines of music simultaneously

• Aug 24, 2020 - 14:15

I am a complete beginner at Musescore. I am trying to write 4-part harmony. Can I play back all four lines of music that I have written simultaneously so I can hear what they sound like together? If so, how can I do this, please. I know I can play back a single line by pressing the space bar. Thank you.


In reply to by jeetee

sound as if you written them timewise

Agreed. It sounds like you put a few measures for part 1, started a new line on the same instrument, wrote that many measures for part 2 and so on.

You need to have 4 instruments so you start with 4 empty staves like in the SATB template (under choral) in the new score wizard. This is an example and you can use Choose instruments if what you want is not in a template already.

In reply to by glomo.vicstree…

Don't hesitate to ask. Common advice we give is read the manual all the way through at least once. You can skip details on something you've never heard of, perhaps figured bass. It's a good idea to open MuseScore and use it as a tutorial as much as possible. This will help you understand how to write music for any instrument you want. The people here are friendly and ready to help.

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