Console.log output not showing up

• Aug 25, 2020 - 02:07

Please see attached screenshot. None of the plugins I have tried are displaying any of the console.log() messages in the console. In googling around for this I can't find anyone else having that problem - except for folks who hadn't opened the console window in the plugin creator editor or weren't running the plugin from the editor. I believe I do have that window open, and am running the plugins from the editor, yet no messages appear. Again, please take a look at the attached screenshot. (I am running -- OS: Fedora 32 (KDE Plasma), Arch.: x86_64, MuseScore version (64-bit): 3.5.0, revision: 43c5553)

Any help appreciated!

UPDATE: I just tried this using a development Linux Appimage (Musescore version 3.5.0, revision: 85ab20d) and it works (see 3rd attached screenshot). So...what is this telling me? The version from the fedora repo has a bug? Something simple I'm missing?


For anyone stumbling across this - the issue is that Qt debugging output was disabled. This might be true some other distros as well I suppose. Below is the response from the fedora Musescore package maintainer, which did fix the issue:

The issue is that the Fedora Qt packages disable debug output by default. Try creating: ~/.config/QtProject/qtlogging.ini with the following contents:


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