Musescore Drumline Extension - Copy & Paste

• Aug 29, 2020 - 17:10

I recently installed Musescore Drumline and I'm loving it! However, when I try and copy my original tenor part to the MDL tenor part, it doesn't transfer properly. Is there some way I can copy it or will I have to re-write the entire part in the MDL tenor part?


If your "original" tenor part was not written using an MDL isntrument, there is probably no direct way to transfer it, as the MIDI pitch assignments are all heavily customized. But what you could do is copy it then fix each of the drums individually - right-click one note, Select / More / Same pitch, then use the arrow keys to move all notes of that pitch together to their new home. Repeat for each of the other drums you used. Shouldn't take more than a minute or two.

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