Midi keybaord dissapearing after I close settings window

• Sep 9, 2020 - 00:23

I'm trying to use my MPK Mini to input notes. It works fine for a few minutes and then doesn't. When I go into the I/0 window there's nothing under MIDI input, but when I click on the drop-down it's right there. After I select it and press OK to exit the window, the keyboard still doesn't work and it has now disappeared as if I had never selected it. Restarting my computer seems to fix it for a little bit but then it breaks again. I've reinstalled MuseScore twice, deleting the appdata files each time.


If you are on 3.5, there is a bug where changing this setting doesn't stick unless you also change some other setting, like increasing the latency by 1. Watch the Apply button and make sure it becomes enabled, that's how you know the change will stick.

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