Musescore 3 tiny icons

• Sep 10, 2020 - 17:39

The icons for rhythm etc are so tiny that I cannot use musescore... Have tried enlarging the percent of the page but it makes not difference to size of icons. Please could you give guidance on how to fix this problem. Eileen


Hello All,

I had the Musescore 3 tiny icon issue on my Windows 10 PC. Here is how I fixed the problem:
> Right Click the MuseScore 3 shortcut icon on your Desktop.
> Click "Open file location".
> Right Click "MuseScore3.exe" (this is the program's executable).
> Click "Properties".
> Click the "Compatibility" tab at the top of the window.

Note: I tried using the "Change high DPI settings > check "Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling performed by: Application, System, and System (Enhanced)." options, but these did not do anything.

> What I did under the "Compatibility" tab was Clicked the "Run compatibility troubleshooter" and let Windows fix the problem. IT WORKED!!! RESOLVED!!!!

I hope this helps!

Lucas B.

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