Saxophone (Alto) Tablatures
Is there a plugin that will print out the tablature for an Alto Saxophone that workers with Musescore 3.x?
Is there a plugin that will print out the tablature for an Alto Saxophone that workers with Musescore 3.x?
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ha funny: I was working on it. You`ll have to install a font.
I'll work on it tonight, hope its done soon.
Which saxophone do you need it for?
Here's one for soprano and one for alto.
You'll have to install some fonts first: specifically "Woodwind Tablature Sax Euro", the others are not needed
In reply to Which saxophone do you need… by ecstrema
there could be some better way of doing this, to avoid having multiple plugins with the exact same content, but it'd require more work.
I'll put the work into it if i see people use the plugin.
In reply to there could be some better… by ecstrema
and also, the font is very VERY VERY VERY ugly.
there is no support for polyphonics (or are they called mutliphonics in english too?)
There is also no support for alternate fingerings. You'll have to add them manually. See the readme in the fonts directory.
In reply to Which saxophone do you need… by ecstrema
bary and tenor. Fixes typo in alto.
Github repo coming
In reply to bary and tenor. Fixes typo… by ecstrema
github repo is here:
In reply to github repo is here: https:/… by ecstrema
project page is there:
In reply to project page is there: https… by ecstrema
Thanks for the directions. this is what I get when I apply the alto saxophone plugin.
In reply to Thanks for the directions… by stevenarkon
thanks for testing, I'll try to find what does that tonight
In reply to Thanks for the directions… by stevenarkon
ok, I had messed up my transposition thing.
Here's the corrected version:
You should be able to download any file in that directory by clicking on it, clicking view raw, and then pressing ctrl+s (cmd+s on mac).
It also looks like you have installed the wrong font. In the archive I sent earlier, you should only have to install the euro version of the font.
Tell me if you encounter any problem.
In reply to ok, I had messed up my… by ecstrema
watch out! I just happen to have a new font made up for the occasion:
In reply to watch out! I just happen to… by ecstrema
It's _almost_ ready and will be out shortly
the new font is ready: check out
and the font:
In reply to the new font is ready: check… by ecstrema
This is fantastic!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!
Is it possible to do for Clarinet and Flute too? Maybe with some help I could do it on my own?
I have no experience with qml & plugins so far.
I work with music classes and it's so nice to help the pupils from time to time with the fingerings over the notation. The sax-fingering looks very nice and works perfectly!
In reply to This is fantastic!!!!!!!!!… by mccy
glad you like it! I'll have a look at making clarint and flute plugins. I won't have time for this this week though, as I have many exams coming.
However, in the meantime, do you have a good example of a good-looking flute or clarinet tablature diagram? I'll try to reproduce them in a similar font.
In reply to glad you like it! I'll have… by ecstrema
Thank you, Yes, I do have such diagrams. Is it possible here to share images in private messages?
In reply to Thank you, Yes, I do have… by mccy
I don't know about private messages, but you can upload images right here.
Else you can send me images by email:
that plugin have big bug
it screw up all score and fingering after we apply it
In reply to that plugin have big bug it… by krunoslav
That is probably caused by auto placement try to either:
1. decrease the font size
2. Disable autoplace
3. Add some system breaks to space out the fingerings.
In reply to That is probably caused by… by ecstrema
Hola Marr11317,
Muchísimas gracias por tus aportes a la comunidad
Por favor, puedes comentar a la comunidad de “no programadores” cual es el archivo correcto que tenemos que descargar en el repositorio. Es que son completamente distintos, y los usuarios que desconocemos de programación, pues no nos enteramos de nada.
¿Por qué ese error insistente de “This plugin needs the Saxy…” cuando la fuente Saxy.fft está instalada correctamente? Por qué las fuentes están en una carpeta “redist” y no “fonts”.
Estamos todos literalmente muy frustrados
In reply to Hola Marr11317, Muchísimas… by jullyamspuig
Thank you very much for your contributions to the community
Please, you can comment to the community of 'non-programmers' which is the correct file that we have to download in the repository. It is that they are completely different, and the users that we do not know about programming, because we do not find out anything.
Why that nagging 'This plugin needs the Saxy ...' error when the Saxy.fft font is installed correctly? Why the fonts are in a 'redist' folder and not 'fonts'.
We are all literally very frustrated
In reply to Hola Marr11317, Muchísimas… by jullyamspuig
Hola, pardoname por no responder mas pronto, estaba de vacaciones...
El problemo estaba en el code. Yo le he corrigido ahora.
Si encontra usted otro problemos, porfavor dime lo, asi podré corrigir lo.
y pardona mi castellano, tambien dime lo si estaria mejor en ingles para usted.
Trying to install the new Alto Sax Fingering and Saxy font. I keep getting that the form is not installed. here is a couple of screenshots. Do you think that you can help?
In reply to Trying to install the new… by stevenarkon
Hi Stevenarkon,
I have the same problem as you. Please, can you tell me if you have solved it. In which folder and how can the happy Saxy.fft be installed.
I am literally frustrated
In reply to Hi Stevenarkon, I have the… by jullyamspuig
I am using Windows 10 Pro with OS Build 19042.685. I put the Saxy.ttf font and the alto_sax_fingerings.qml in my C:\Users\Steven\Documents\MuseScore3\Plugins folder (Do not remove them from that directory. If you do you will need to reinstall both of them). Also, make sure that I installed the font to All Users. The installed Saxy.ttf shows up in C:\ Windows/Fonts.
As far as I know, that is the way you install fonts and setup the .qml file. I have not received a reply from anyone giving advice or comments.
In reply to I am using Windows 10 Pro… by stevenarkon
Thanks for the info,
But I have a Mac and the problem continues: the happy window that asks to install the Saxy.ttf jumps.
I have tried to install it in every way and nothing, the message keeps jumping.
Could it be that the font is not optimized for Mac, that it is only optimized for PC?
Well, grace.
In reply to Thanks for the info, But I… by jullyamspuig
Sorry, I just fixed the problem. An older version of the plugin used the font Fiati for the diagrams, and when switching I forgot to change the check to use Saxy instead. So Saxy was used to render the diagrams, but it was saxy that was checked whether it was installed.
In reply to Sorry, I just fixed the… by ecstrema
Thank you very much Marr11317,
Your work as programmers is fundamental, ours as users is to support them as much as possible. I show you four images of the operation of the plugin for the four base saxophones.
Thank you very much again, happy Christmas holidays and a happy new year 2021!
Success and forward that we will support you, and we will contribute.
a greeting
In reply to Thank you very much… by jullyamspuig
The images correspond to:
Soprano, alto, tenor, baritone
Many thanks
In reply to Thank you very much… by jullyamspuig
Glad it works for you now ;)
If you want the diagrams bigger, simply make the font bigger.
Feliz navidad
In reply to Sorry, I just fixed the… by ecstrema
I try to make run you plugin but nothing appear.
I am on linux debian 11 and the fonts are installed.
If i run musescore on a terminal i have:
qml: 0 - 0 - 1920
qml: 64
qml: 65
qml: 67
qml: 65
It's the selected notes where i would like the diagrams i guess.
I tried your plugins on windows and it's fine.
Do you know what is the problem ?
Thanks for your help.