2nd voice tuplets problem

• Sep 13, 2020 - 21:03

Imagine the following situation: The time signature is 5/4 (the rest is irrelevant). When I would like to create a tuplet from a complete measure, it is no problem, because musescore provides a "whole note rest sign" for the complete measure (although it is 5/4). I click on the rest sign, create a tuplet - and done. But when I would like to add a 2nd voice with the same tuplet, I need again a rest sign for the complete measure of 5/4. How can I make this appear?

I hope I could describe my problem well enough.



add whatever you need in voice 1.
Then move it to voice 2 using Tools->Voices->Exchange voice 1-2
Now you have a new "full measure rest" in voice 1 which you can make a tuplet from
move it to voice 2 by using Tools->Voices->Exchange voice 1-2 again

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