Editing out phantom rests

• Sep 23, 2020 - 03:01

I tried the remarkable PDF to MSCZ translator. While it did a very good job, sometimes it got confused and inserts what I'll call "phantom" rests. It also indicates the extra beats with a plus sign above the end of a measure. Is there any way to remove these?

Note, in the attached file, the measure is in 3/4. The translator missed the last note in the bass and translated the 16th note as a half note, then gave all other lines an extra beat and 3/4 as a phantom.

I have been unable to modify the 1/2 note or remove the phantom rests. Can anyone give me a clue how to do this?

Attachment Size
meas 21.jpg 86.39 KB


You can remove extra beats from a beat - whether they contain noters or rests - by selecting them and pressing Ctrl+Delete. You'll probably find its complex because probably different errors exist on different staves, so you'll likely have to do lots of copy/paste and other editing to attempt to tix these measures.

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