Start Centre shows .mscz files from Application Support sub-directory

• Oct 6, 2020 - 21:43

When I started MuseScore 3.5.0 this evening, the app is showing me a couple of .mscz files mixed in with the more usual files in~/Documents/MuseScore3/Scores, which are .mscx. The files are in the name format like scJL1829.mscz. Please see the attached screenshot. Is this usual? The files load OK but I would not expect to see them at all really?

The rogue files are in /Users/tony/Library/Application Support/MuseScore/MuseScore3/scJL1829.mscz

Anyone else seeing this? I had a MuseScore crash this morning - might this be a symptom?


Attachment Size
Screen Shot 2020-10-06 at 21.23.54.png 41.19 KB


The start center shows you the most recently used files, regardless of where those are stored.

What you are now seeing are the auto-saved versions of your scores. MuseScore removes those upon normal program closure. Now that you've had a crash, MuseScore did not remove those files and thus you have the option of opening them and manually re-saving them to their correct/previous locations.

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